Check out our website! | Final product of 21st Century Skills Course

Hello everyone and welcome back! 
        I'm excited to share our website with you but at the same time, I'm sad to be writing my last blog post for this course. It has been a crazy journey since November. I've learned so much and I continue to learn every day. Before revealing the grand final project I wanted to explain briefly what this is about.

    In November 2020, we started a course "Integrating 21st Century Skills Training With Project-Based Learning to Cultivate EFL Pre-service Teachers' Professional Skills” carried out by Melda Yılmaz as a part of Bahçeşehir University Ph.D. program. Our dear teacher Asst Professor Dilek İnal was also advising and guiding us during the course. We've mainly worked on 21st-century skills such as information literacy, digital literacy, critical thinking, etc., and English as a global language topic. Of course, we have learned how to integrate technology and how to utilize various digital tools during the sessions. We had synchronous sessions every Friday and we used Google Classroom as our Learning Management System. I think one of the best parts of the course other than the information we've learned was that we got the chance to practice it in groups, with our friends, collaboratively. I really enjoyed all those hours we've spent in Zoom breakout rooms :) Anyway, I don't want to bore anyone so I'll go on with our final product, the website.
        On this website, we've worked in groups. My partners were dear Nur Sema and Sümeyra. We had so much fun creating this website. We knew our topic from the beginning and we worked on it for a couple of weeks. We were asked to choose a topic that would affect ELT in the future. So we've chosen Synchronous online distance learning in ELT. We really wanted to look further into distance online education since currently everywhere in the world it's gaining massive popularity. We also knew that teachers need help and guidance during this process. We did a literature review on this topic. We researched early developments, causes, major contributions, etc. Later we realized we wanted to take students' opinions on this topic and we created a survey on Google Forms. We've surveyed 101 students from the high-school and university levels. Our questions were open-ended so we could take further opinions from the participants who wanted. We analyzed the data and posted everything on our website. I'm not going to go into further details. I proudly share our website; 

Our friends also have websites so don't forget to check them out too!

Again, I thank so much to my group members and friends Sümeyra and Nur Sema. And special thanks to our teachers, advisors Melda Yılmaz and Dilek İnal. This was a fantastic experience in the last year of my undergrad. 
Don't forget to check out the website and leave a comment!
See you soon!
